How to do it ?

1. Choose that special person for whom you want to make the candle. Think about what they like and what would make them happy.
2. Pick the mold you think they would love. It could be something classic, like a heart shape, or something more creative, like a flower.
3. Add our candle making kit to your selection. It contains everything you need to make a unique and beautiful candle.
4. Receive the package! Get ready to start your adventure of making personalized candles.
5. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. It's important to have the oven ready for when you need to melt the wax.
6. Place the wax from the kit in a heat-resistant saucepan. You're going to melt the wax so it's ready to pour into the mold.
7. Put the saucepan in the oven and leave it for about 20 minutes. This will allow the wax to melt evenly.
8. Prepare the mold and place the wick in place. Make sure it's centered so the candle turns out perfectly.
9. Put on our special fire-resistant gloves. Safety comes first, so protect your hands!
10. Take the saucepan out of the oven and carefully pour the melted wax into the mold. It's an exciting moment to see your candle taking shape.
11. Let the candle sit for a few hours. This will allow the wax to cool and solidify completely.
12. Ready! Now you have a personalized candle ready to give to that special person. It's a unique gift that shows your care and dedication.
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